- Captain’s Log
- Tuesday After Next
- Grand Theft Starship
- Robot, Androids, Cyborgs, Oh My!
- Boneyard Of Lost Dreams
- Ray Guns and Space Babes
- Apocalypse Descending
- Asteroid Miners and Comet Wildcatters
- Alien Dreams
- Homo Futuris
- What Might Have Been…
- Lawmen and Crimefighters
- Solarpunk
- Space Marines
- Cargo Wars
- Wandering Monsters
- Dieselpunk
- Veterans
- Sea Stories
- New Worlds New Civilizations
- Avast! (The Pirate Issue)
- Cyberpunks
- Tramp Freighter Captains
- Science Fiction Holidays
- Tomorrow’s Crimes
- Cold Steel and Hot Blasters
Join us for the next exciting issue of Boundary Shock Quarterly!
We can make her better than she was. Or build a better one to replace him. What does it mean to be Sentient? Human? Or even alive?
Fifteen stories and essays explore what it means to be sentient in the present and future tense in stories ranging from artificial lifeforms all the way down to the many ways humans might dream about improving themselves, when the future arrives tomorrow.
Welcome to Boundary Shock Quarterly, Issue 004: Robots, Androids, Cyborgs, Oh My!
About the Authors
Chuck Anderson

Raised on fantasy novels and 80s pop culture, Charles Eugene 'Chuck' Anderson brings extensive world-building and a sense of adventure. Chuck makes art, gaming, or runs when not writing. He lives in Aurora, Colorado.
M.L. Buchman

M.L. Buchman started the first of over 50 novels and even more short stories while flying from South Korea to ride his bicycle across the Australian Outback. All part of a solo around-the-world trip (a mid-life crisis on wheels) that ultimately launched his writing career.
In addition to science fiction, he also writes thrillers, fantasy, and military romantic suspense books. His titles have been named Barnes & Noble and NPR "Top 5 of the Year" and 3-time Booklist "Top 10 of the Year." In among his career as a corporate project manager he has: rebuilt and single-handed a fifty-foot sailboat, both flown and jumped out of airplanes, and designed and built two houses.
He is now making his living as a full-time writer on the Oregon Coast assisted by his beloved wife. He remains constantly amazed at what can be done with a degree in Geophysics. You may keep up with his writing and receive exclusive content by subscribing to his newsletter at www.mlbuchman.com.
Also by M. L. Buchman: http://www.mlbuchman.com/bookshelf-series/
Michele Callahan

Michele Callahan is a science fiction and romance fanatic and full-time writer whose earliest movie memories are of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and light sabers. (Still waiting for Santa to come through on that one.) She wrote her first short story at age eleven about five friends who fell into another dimension and had to save the Earth – all in ten, sloppy but action packed, wide-ruled notebook pages. Her mother was an English teacher and she inspired a love of reading and writing that has lasted a lifetime. Michele publishes monthly and writes six days a week.
Michele writes time travel and paranormal romance as well as standard science fiction.
She also co-writes sexy-as-hell sci-fi romance as Grace Goodwin.
Find her at www.michelecallahan.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michele.callahan.142
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ML_Callahan
Ron Collins

Ron Collins writes across the spectrum of speculative fiction, as well as the occasional thriller or crime story. His latest SF series, Stealing the Sun is available from Skyfox publishing.
His short fiction has received a Writers of the Future prize and a CompuServe HOMer Award. His short story "The White Game" was nominated for the Short Mystery Fiction Society's 2016 Derringer Award.
He has contributed a hundred or so short stories to professional publications such as Analog, Asimov's, and several other magazines and anthologies (including several editions of the Fiction River Anthology Series).
He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering, and has worked to develop avionics systems, electronics, and information technology before chucking it all to write full-time–which he now does from his home in the shadows of the Santa Catalina Mountains.
You can learn more about him at typosphere.com, or follow him on twitter @roncollins13.
Leah R. Cutter

Leah Cutter writes page-turning, wildly imaginative fiction set in exotic locations, such as a magical New Orleans, the ancient Orient, rural Kentucky, Seattle, Minneapolis, and many others.
She writes fantasy, science fiction, mystery, literary, and horror fiction. Her short fiction has been published in magazines like "Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine" and "Talebones", anthologies like Fiction River, and on the web. Her long fiction has been published both by New York publishers as well as small presses.
Read more books by Leah Cutter at www.KnottedRoadPress.com.
Follow her blog at www.LeahCutter.com.
Duncan Ellis

Duncan Ellis is a novelist and software engineer living in Portland, Oregon. He grew up in Yorkshire where he learned to drink tea and complain about cricket, and lived in several cities in England before moving to the US in 2001.
He has written many novel drafts under the auspices of National Novel Writing Month, but his first published book was "Livia and the Corpuscles", an adventure of Steampunk Rome.
Duncan started writing after he began his career as a software developer in Nottingham, making serial fiction for his co-workers. He took a break from narrative fiction after moving to Surrey, but continued to invent fictional elements in roleplaying and collaborative games. He just couldn't stop making things up.
He is currently working on "A Turquoise Song", a science fiction mystery set in a near-future Portland featuring robots, ninjas, and synaesthesia.
Joel Ewy

Joel Ewy is centrally located for your convenience, has a wife and two kids, and took the Liberal Arts concept way more seriously than it was probably ever intended to be. He's a digital philosopher, and also fixes computers, sometimes for pay.
He's just irresponsible enough to start spending a little less time doing that and more time writing, and making weird, anachronistic computer-based art pieces. Joel has an extensive collection of classic computers from the late '70s to the early '90s and beyond, but he's still looking for that free Atari ST to fall out of the sky. Use your best faux German accent, or pretend you're Dr. Strangelove when you say his last name, and you might get it right. (Hint: Ay-Vee)
You can also find him in the Alternative Truths Anthology.
Chuck Heintzelman

Indie Chuck Heintzlman writes quirky short stories, usually with some sort of fantastical element. He's as surprised by this as anyone. Even after dozens of stories published, he still stays up too late at night, feverishly working on the next tale. Many of his stories can be found in various issues of Fiction River, as well.
Lately, Chuck's time has been consumed managing and enhancing BundleRabbit (bundlerabbit.com), a DIY ebook bundling and collaborative publishing service, which is also the principle distributor of Boundary Shock Quarterly.
"His short stories are stunning" -- Dean Wesley Smith, USA Today Bestselling Author
Maquel A. Jacob

Maquel A. Jacob writes gender shifter social science fiction that taps into how we define ourselves as a species. The theme is well defined in the new six book series Curve of Humanity. She also writes in other veins of Sci Fi like her space opera The Core Trilogy, class warfare within a vampire society in Blood Doctrine, and touches the dark side in her collection of horror shorts, Welcome Despair. You can find out more at her work on her website www.maquelajacob.com, as well as Facebook, Goodreads, and other places.
All of Maquel A. Jacobs's books are available in eBook and print through a variety of online vendors such as Amazon, Draft2Digital, and others. She loves honest feedback regarding her works and gets ecstatic about meeting fans at book signings and conventions.
Find more information at her website: www.maquelajacob.com
Maquel A. Jacob on Facebooka and Goodreads
Tumblr and Twitter @MaquelAJ1
MAJart Works on Instagram
Robert Jeschonek

There is nothing quite like a Robert Jeschonek story. His futuristic tales are unique and strange…yet always full of heart. You can find his envelope-pushing fiction in Galaxy's Edge, Escape Pod, Pulphouse, Fiction River, StarShipSofa, and many other publications. He has also written official Doctor Who and Star Trek fiction and Batman and Justice Society comics for DC Comics. An Amazon bestseller, Robert has won an International Book Award, a Scribe Award from the International Association of Media Tie-In Writers, and the grand prize in Pocket Books' Strange New Worlds contest. His young adult slipstream novel, My Favorite Band Does Not Exist, won the Forward National Literature Award and was named one of Booklist's Top Ten First Novels for Youth. Hugo and Nebula Award winner Mike Resnick (Santiago and the Starship series) calls him "a towering talent."
Join his continuing cosmic adventures on Facebook, Twitter, and at www.robertjeschonek.com.
You can also support his crusade further at https://www.patreon.com/RobertJeschonek
Also by Robert Jeschonek
Bruno Lombardi

Bruno Lombardi's shorts stories have been published in a wide assortment of anthologies and magazines, including Alternative Truths, With Iron And Fire, More Alternative Truths, Weirdbook and Occult Detective Quarterly.
"Snake Oil," originally published by Daverana Enterprises, is Bruno's first novel. A second edition of "Snake Oil," by Martinus Publishing, is now available.
Bruno Lombardi was born in Montreal in 1968 and has had a rather distressing tendency to be a weirdness magnet for much of his adult life. If your friend's cousin's brother-in-law tells you a story and swears it's true and that it 'happened to someone he knows', it was probably Bruno.
He currently lives in Ottawa and works as a civil servant for the Canadian government. His hobbies include attempting to dissuade the cults that form around him, managing the betting pool on the next Weird Thing, and being a slave to his cat, Mynx. Rumours that he secretly runs the Canadian government from his nuclear bunker with an android called 'Justin Trudeau' as a front have never been substantiated and are merely rumours. Honestly.
He has also met lots of people off the internet and has yet to be murdered by any of them; his cat, on the other hand, has other ideas.
Look for Bruno on Facebook.
Michael Warren Lucas

Michael Warren Lucas spent too much of his youth with Michael Moorcock books, the primordial Star Trek, and John Carpenter films. He directly credits the resulting psychic damage for his career as a full time writer. His Immortal Clay series takes classic pod people paranoia and asks, “but what if we lost?” The Montague Portal stories explore universes with alien physics. If you’re a particular kind of nerd check out his git commit murder series, set at Internet technology conferences. His nonfiction technology books are widely considered the standard references in their fields.
Learn more at https://mwl.io.
Twitter: @mwlauthor
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mwlauthor
Mastodon: @mwlucas@bsd.network
M. E. Owen

M.E. Owen writes science fiction, fantasy and crime, often in the same story.
She lives on the wet side of Washington state, and when not writing, plays with honking big transportation geodatabases, occasionally kayaks and more occasionally throws knives (not all at once, but that would be cool).
Her short work has also appeared in Abyss & Apex, Fireside Fiction, Fiction River, Flash Fiction Online, and elsewhere. Her debut novel, Survival Instincts, a science fiction noir, is scheduled for publication in 2018. You can keep up with her at www.MEOwen.com.
Blaze Ward

Sign up for Blaze's VIP newsletter: http://www.blazeward.com/newsletter/
Blaze Ward writes science fiction in the Alexandria Station universe (Jess... [ Read More ]